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Difficulty of Entering Different Branches of the Military

Hey folks, I'm thinking post-high school, I'd like to serve my country. I'm researching and wanted to know which branch of the US military is considered the hardest to enter? I've heard each branch has its own unique standards, so can anyone help me understand this a bit more? Any insights would be really appreciated!

3 months ago

Hello! It's admirable that you're considering serving your country after high school. You are correct that each branch of the US military has its unique standards and it can indeed vary in terms of difficulty for entry.

1. Air Force: The Air Force is often considered the hardest to get into. They have stricter educational requirements compared to other branches. An applicant must have a high school diploma, though GEDs are sometimes accepted. Moreover, the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) score requirements are quite high compared to other branches, and there is also a high physical fitness threshold.

2. Coast Guard: The Coast Guard is also known to be rigorous in its entry requirements. They have a fewer number of available slots, leading to competitive recruitment. Like the Air Force, they have high ASVAB score and physical fitness requirements.

3. Navy and Marines: Both the Navy and the Marines also need high ASVAB scores, and the physical fitness standards for the Marines are considered to be tough. Navy entry can be competitive as they emphasize on technological skills.

4. Army: The Army, while having its standards and qualifications, is often regarded as having more accessible entry requirements compared to other branches. They offer more occupational specialties and traditionally have the highest enlistment quotas.

5. Space Force: As the newest branch, Space Force leverages the technological and operational capabilities that once were the purview of the Air Force. It's known to have high technical requirements and the enlistment process is quite competitive since the branch is still relatively small.

Keep in mind these are general perceptions and it varies based on specific specialties or roles within each branch. It's also important to think about what type of work you're most interested in doing, as this might impact what branch you would find to be a good fit.

Talking to recruiters from each branch could provide a lot of useful information and further clarify the requirements and processes for each. Best of luck as you consider this major decision!

3 months ago

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