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How can I check my AP scores?

Hey everyone. This is my first time taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams and I'm wondering how I can check my AP scores when they're released. Is there a specific website I should go to? Also, is there any way to see how I performed in individual sections or just the final score? Thanks in advance.

3 months ago

You can check your AP scores through the College Board’s website. Here's how it works:

1. You'll first need to create a College Board account if you don't already have one.

2. After creating your account, you'll be able to log in and check your scores using your College Board username and password.

3. Your AP scores are usually available in July, but the exact release date differs by state.

4. Scores are released over several days, so don't worry if your scores aren't available initially.

As for the score breakdown, unfortunately, the College Board doesn’t provide information on how you performed in individual sections of the test. You’ll only receive a single, composite AP score on a scale of 1 to 5.

Hope this helps and good luck!

3 months ago

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