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Creating a Fun AP Lang Project?

I've been tasked with designing a project for my AP Lang class that's not only informative but also engaging. I'm a little stuck on ideas that could make the academic subject fun for everyone. Anyone out there who's had a memorable or fun AP Lang project that they'd like to share for inspiration?

3 months ago

You could create a project called "Issue Tracker." In this project, students would be asked to select a current, prevalent issue that interests them, such as climate change, mental health, or digital privacy. Then they would be tasked with finding a variety of sources that explore all angles of the issue, including articles, opinion pieces, speeches, podcasts, movies, or interviews.

Next, students would be tasked with analyzing the various rhetorical devices used in each piece. For instance, they could examine how pathos is used in an emotional speech about climate change or how ethos is used in an expert's interview about mental health.

The fun part comes in when students are asked to create a visually engaging rhetoric map or infographic that visually depicts these different angles and the rhetorical strategies utilized. They can express their creativity and understanding of the subject matter in a tangible, visual way that other classmates can appreciate. This project would incorporate key AP Lang skills in analyzing argument, understanding rhetoric, and organizing information while also making it engaging and creative for the students themselves.

Then, you could organize a small exhibition where every student has a chance to present their work, explaining their chosen issue and the rhetorical strategies they uncovered. Students would learn not only from their research but also from their peers, sparking meaningful classroom discussion.

This kind of project not only solidifies the key concepts in AP Lang, but it also allows students to develop a deep understanding of a real-world issue that interests them. It encourages individual creativity, interactive learning, and class participation.

3 months ago

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