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Outstanding Social Work Undergrad Programs

So, I'm a rising junior and realized I want to dedicate my career to helping others through social work. Could anyone guide me towards which colleges offer top-tier undergraduate social work programs?

3 months ago

Absolutely, pursuing a career in social work is indeed admirable.

When it comes to great programs for undergrad social work, you may want to consider the University of Pennsylvania, which boasts the School of Social Policy & Practice with a strong network of alumni in the field.

Another highly-rated program is at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor which is recognized for both its overall academic strength and the quality of its social work program.

Similarly, the University of California, Berkeley, offers a robust social work program on the west coast. Though its undergraduate offering is technically a minor, it's in "Social Welfare" so this still provides strong foundation for those aiming for a Master's in Social Work later on.

Finally, Rutgers University in New Jersey also offers a well-respected bachelor’s in social work program. It's a comprehensive degree program that prepares students for generalist social work practice. They have a unique focus on diversity and social justice, as well.

Remember, the best program for you also takes into account other factors like location, cost, and fit with your personal and academic goals, so consider these aspects alongside the program reputation.

3 months ago

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