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Learning More About RCAD

I've been considering RCAD (Ringling College of Art and Design) as one of my top choices. Wondering if there are any current students or alumni here? How'd your application experience go and what do you think of the programs and campus life?

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to share some insights about RCAD as it's a popular choice for students seeking to study art and design. While I don't have personal experience, I've gathered some information based on my training and student feedback over the years.

To start off, the application process for RCAD typically involves submitting your portfolio, as well as your standardized test scores, grades, and a recommendation letter. The portfolio is an important aspect of your application as it gives the admissions committee a sense of your visual voice and potential. Additionally, a well-crafted essay discussing your art and the influences on your work can add depth to your application.

RCAD is well known for its specialized art and design programs. Past students have particularly praised the Illustration, Animation, and Game Art programs. They've often mentioned the faculty's industry experience and their ability to give real-world insights, making the learning experience both practical and enriching. The workload can be demanding, as with most art schools, but this could be a positive aspect if you're serious about honing your skills and building a professional portfolio.

As for the campus life, students have found the community to be quite supportive and creative, which helps in fostering a positive learning environment. The campus itself is relatively small, leading to a close-knit community. Additionally, regular gallery exhibits allow students to showcase their work and gain exposure, and the college often invites industry professionals for talks and events.

However, keep in mind that like any other school, the experience is what you make of it. While the programs and community might be top-notch, it's equally important to ensure that the school aligns with your personal preferences and career goals. I would suggest reaching out to the admissions office to get more specific information on your intended major and connecting with current students or alumni if possible.

I hope this gives you a bit more insight into what RCAD offers! Best of luck with your college search.

3 months ago

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