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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Acceptance Rate for Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Hey everyone. I’ve been exploring my options and I've stumbled upon Hobart and William Smith Colleges - could someone provide me with info on their acceptance rate and maybe offer insight into how rigorous their selection process is?

3 months ago

Of course! The most recent data indicate that the acceptance rate for Hobart and William Smith Colleges is around 57%. This acceptance rate may seem relatively high compared to ultra-selective colleges, but it's essential to remember that an acceptance rate doesn't provide the full picture of a college's selectivity.

When you are considering the rigor of the selection process, you need to look beyond the acceptance rate. The accepted students have an average high school GPA of 3.62 on a 4.0 scale. As for SAT scores, accepted students usually have an SAT score of 1200 or above.

While your academic profile is an important part of your application, Hobart and William Smith Colleges have a holistic admissions process. This means they consider other parts of your application such as your essays, extracurricular activities, and teacher recommendations. They are interested in knowing who you are as a whole person, not just your grades and test scores. They value diversity in the student body and consider how you can add to their community.

So, while the acceptance rate might not be super low, keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily mean getting in is easy - it's still important to present a well-rounded application. Best of luck with your applications!

3 months ago

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