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Considering UPenn vs. Brown

Torn between UPenn and Brown for my application. Can anyone compare the two? Pro's and con's? Anything about student life, academics, or culture would be super useful!

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to do a comparison of the two schools! Both the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) and Brown University are excellent institutions, but they have distinct features and atmospheres that make them unique.


- UPenn: UPenn has a strong focus on pre-professional education. It's known for its robust business program through the Wharton School, which consistently ranks at the top of national and global lists. UPenn also boasts strong programs in Nursing and Engineering. The curriculum also encourages a multidisciplinary approach to education, notably through their dual degree programs, like the Huntsman Program in International Studies & Business.

- Brown: Brown stands out for its open curriculum, which gives a high degree of academic freedom. Instead of a core curriculum or general education requirements, students can essentially design their own academic path. While this can be liberating for some, it might be overwhelming for others. Brown is known for a strong focus on liberal arts, arts and humanities, and the sciences.


- UPenn: The culture at UPenn tends to be more competitive and pre-professional. Students are often future-oriented, thinking about internships, careers, or grad school. Social life at UPenn often revolves around Greek life, with a good portion of undergraduates involved in fraternities or sororities.

- Brown: Brown has a reputation for being more laid-back, and the student culture is often described as open-minded and creative. Social life at Brown is often driven by a culture of activism, and there's a wide range of student-run organizations and events. Greek life exists but doesn't dominate the social scene.

Student Life:

- UPenn: UPenn, situated in Philadelphia, combines urban life with a campus feel. Shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions are easily accessible. Student life is often lively, with plenty of campus traditions, sports events, and social activities.

- Brown: Brown is in Providence, a smaller city, but still offers a diverse range of restaurants, shops, and cultural experiences. Outdoor enthusiasts often appreciate that Providence's location offers easy access to beaches and parks.

Ultimately, the decision should come down to what environment you think you would thrive in the most academically and socially. Both schools will provide a high-quality education and abundant resources, but UPenn shines for those seeking a more pre-professional, urban experience and Brown stands out for those valuing academic flexibility and a more laid-back culture.

3 months ago

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