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Summer Programs at UCLA - worth it?

What's up, guys! I'm considering applying for a summer program at UCLA. Can anyone tell me about their experiences or if they found it beneficial?

3 months ago

Absolutely, engaging in a summer program at UCLA, or any university for that matter, can be an enriching and rewarding experience. You have the chance to explore new academic interests, gain hands-on experience, and engage with professors and like-minded students. Plus, living on campus can give you a taste of college life, which is very valuable as you prepare to make your own university decisions.

However, there a few things to consider. Firstly, remember that while these programs can be valuable for personal growth and understanding what you want in a university, they don't significantly boost your college application in the eyes of admissions committees. This is especially true if they weren't selective or were pricey "pay to play" programs. That said, if you genuinely love the subject matter and the experience will help you clarify your goals and interests, it may still be worthwhile.

Lastly, do some research to ensure that the program offers what you're really looking for. See if it offers hands-on experiences, or focuses more on lectures and coursework. Consider whether you'll have opportunities to network, or get exposure to something new about your chosen field.

In conclusion, UCLA's summer programs can offer valuable experiences, particularly for your own personal and academic growth. It may not be a golden ticket into college acceptance, but can certainly provide a better understanding of your interests and what college life might be like.

Good luck with your summer planning!

3 months ago

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