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Tuition costs at Cal Poly

Hi guys! I'm seriously considering applying to Cal Poly, but I'm having a hard time finding reliable info about the tuition. Does anyone know the estimated cost per year for an out-of-state student? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

As of the 2024-2025 academic year, the annual out-of-state tuition for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is approximately $33,700. However, there are additional fees that you should account for when budgeting for your college education, including room and board, books, supplies, and personal expenses. Specifically, room and board costs are about $18,225 per year, while books and supplies are typically around $2,048. These elements combined bring the total estimated cost for an out-of-state student at Cal Poly SLO to approximately $57,150 per academic year, not including the personal and transportation expenses.

Remember, these figures are estimates, and the actual cost can vary depending on your personal spending habits, your choice of housing, and other factors. It's always a good practice to use the net price calculator on Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's website to get a more accurate and personalized cost of attendance.

Also, don't forget to consider scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study opportunities, as these can greatly reduce out-of-pocket expenses. Plenty of students find ways to make their college finances work with some careful planning and exploring aid options.

3 months ago

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