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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thinking about applying early action to UMICH - Thoughts?

So I've been considering UMICH quite seriously. And I was thinking of applying early action.. But is it a good strategy? Also, how binding is their 'early action'? I'm really worried about locking myself into something if I end up changing my mind. Thanks for any advice!

3 months ago

Applying Early Action (EA) can indeed be a great strategy for many students, and it's a particularly good fit if you have a strong interest in UMICH and feel prepared to submit a competitive application. The good news with Early Action is that it's not binding like Early Decision is. This means you aren't obligated to attend UMICH if you're accepted, and you can still apply to other colleges through their Regular Decision cycles.

The advantage of EA is that you typically receive an admissions decision earlier than you would through Regular Decision. Applying EA to UMICH, for instance, you would likely receive a decision in mid-December while RD applicants would have to wait until April. This could provide you some peace of mind, knowing where you've been accepted earlier in the year.

UMICH also considers demonstrated interest in their admissions process, so applying EA could be a worthwhile way to show them you're serious about attending. Remember, though, you should only apply EA if you can submit your best application. If you feel like waiting for the Regular Decision deadline would give you a stronger application (higher senior year grades or better standardized test scores for example), then it may be best to wait. Good luck!

3 months ago

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