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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Rose-Hulman Admission Rates?

I can't help but stress a bit about my chances at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I've heard that they can be pretty selective. Does anyone happen to know about their admission rates? Are they increasing or decreasing these last few years? Thanks for the info!

3 months ago

Indeed, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology is a great school and can be selective primarily due to its specialized focus on engineering, science, and mathematics. As of recent years, the admission rate tends to fluctuate between mid to high 70s percent. This indicates a moderate level of selectivity— neither extremely high nor incredibly low.

However, as admission rates can differ year by year based on the applicant pool and institutional priorities, remember not to treat them as the sole determiner of your admission chances. It's also important to consider the school's academic expectations, as they highly value strong performance in rigorous STEM-related coursework.

While we typically do not see drastic changes in admission rates for schools like Rose-Hulman over time, recent global events such as the pandemic could have some unpredictable effects. That being said, it is always best to think about your application holistically and make sure you are highlighting your individual strengths and passions within your application.

Best of luck in the application process!

3 months ago

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