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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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I'm searching for the location of Northwestern College

I know this may seem pretty basic, but could someone assist me in finding Northwestern College's location? I'd also love to know a little bit about the ambiance there.

3 months ago

Certainly, Northwestern College is located in Orange City, Iowa. The campus is situated in the northwest corner of Iowa, which is known for its rolling prairies and small-town charm.

Orange City, where Northwestern College is based, has a population of around 6,400 and is a safe and friendly community with a strong Dutch heritage. The town hosts the annual Tulip Festival, a vibrant event that showcases its Dutch roots with traditional costumes, foods, and thousands of tulips. The town offers a variety of activities — coffee shops, movie theaters, parks, and local restaurants, giving students something to keep them busy off-campus.

As for the college itself, it's rooted in the Reformed tradition and has a vibrant Christian community. The campus is picturesque and possesses notable facilities such as the state-of-the-art DeWitt Theatre, unsurpassed athletic facilities, and well-equipped science laboratories. The student body is small — around 1,700 students — which fosters a tight-knit campus environment where students often feel like part of a large family. They take pride in their strong sense of camaraderie and shared faith. Many students also appreciate the personal attention they receive due to the college's small class size and the professors' commitment to teaching.

3 months ago

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