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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What programs does Olive Harvey College have to offer?

So, I've been looking into different colleges recently and came across Olive Harvey College. Does anyone know what kinds of programs they offer? How about their reputation? Any information would be super helpful!

3 months ago

Olive-Harvey College, which is one of the seven City Colleges of Chicago, offers a wide range of programs aimed at helping students prepare for future careers or transfer to four-year institutions. They are particularly known for their Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics (TDL) Center, providing courses for careers in truck driving, supply chain management, and warehousing. Besides TDL, they offer programs in fields such as Business Management, Accounting, English, Art and Design, and Science, among others. In terms of reputation, like any Institute, it can vary depending on the specific department or program. Its transportation, warehousing, and logistics program, for example, enjoys a solid reputation due to the Center of Excellence. It is a hub for TDL training and has partnerships with local and national employers, allowing students to gain hands-on experience and in-demand certifications. General feedback suggests faculty are experienced and committed to student success.

However, always remember that the best college or program for you depends on your specific interests and career goals. Before making your decision, consider reaching out to an admissions counselor at Olive-Harvey College or visiting the campus to get a feel for the learning environment and culture. You might also want to talk with current students or alumni to get their firsthand experiences and perspectives.

3 months ago

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