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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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James Madison University - Clarification on Student Body

I am currently researching my potential college list and am considering James Madison University. However, I am curious about how big the student population is there. Would love to hear from any current students or knowledgeable individuals!

3 months ago

As of the latest data, James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, has an estimated student population of around 22,000. This includes both undergraduate and graduate students. With the campus spread across more than 700 acres, the university boasts a diverse student population and offers a wide variety of programs. It might also be worthwhile to mention that the student-to-faculty ratio is approximately 16:1, which allows for a more personal, engaged educational experience. Despite being a comparatively large university, many students note that it can often feel like a smaller, tight-knit community due to the active student life and supportive faculty and staff. Always take the time to visit a campus or take a virtual tour if you can, as it can give you a better sense of the school's size and atmosphere.

3 months ago

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