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Average Cost of Tuition at VCU

Does anyone know much about the average total cost for an out-of-state student at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)? I've been looking into it but the numbers vary a bit and I want the most accurate estimate before considering it further.

3 months ago

The tuition rate and overall cost can depend on several factors, including whether you are an in-state or out-of-state student, the specific program you're in, and how many credit hours you're taking.

Generally speaking, the undergraduate tuition for out-of-state students at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) was estimated to be around $39,884 for the 2024-2025 academic year.

However, tuition isn't the only cost you should consider. There are also housing costs, meal plans, textbooks, and miscellaneous expenses like travel or personal needs. For housing and meal plans, VCU estimates the cost to be around $14,268 for out-of-state students for on-campus accommodation. As for books and supplies, the budget is approximately $1,200 per academic year.

So, if you add all these numbers up, the total cost can be roughly around $55,352 per year. Remember, this amount doesn’t account for any financial aid you might receive, which can significantly reduce these costs.

Always utilize the Net Price Calculator provided on the college's website. These calculators take into account factors like your family's income, your academic record, and the amount of financial aid you might receive to give a more accurate estimate of your cost of attendance.

And don't forget to confirm these figures with the financial aid office at VCU or check their website for the most updated information, as tuition and fees can change from year to year.

3 months ago

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