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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the lowdown on RMC Virginia?

Hey all, I've recently been considering RMC in Virginia and I'm eager to get some personal insights. Is anyone studying there willing to share about the academic environment, student life, and opportunities there? Thanks!

3 months ago

Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia, offers a private liberal arts education. The academic environment is typically described as rigorous yet supportive, with a low student-faculty ratio (approximately 10:1) that allows for considerable individual attention and mentorship. This contributes to the close-knit, community feel that many students appreciate about the college.

In terms of academics, RMC offers 45 major areas of study and 39 minor programs. The college has a broad range of majors, including natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and arts. This gives students the flexibility to explore multiple disciplines before deciding on a major. Another important element is the Edge Career Center, which provides resources for internships, research experiences, and job placement. Many students take advantage of this resource, which can lead to compelling opportunities both on and off campus.

Student life at RMC is vibrant and comprised of various extracurricular activities. There are over 100 student clubs and organizations, including performing arts groups, club sports, and special interest clubs, among others. Furthermore, Greek life plays a significant role in the social scene with several fraternities and sororities on campus.

Athletics are also popular, as RMC competes in NCAA Division III and offers a variety of sports. Supporting the Yellow Jackets at games is a common activity for students and helps create a spirited atmosphere.

This college is located in the town of Ashland, known as "the center of the universe" to locals. Though it's a small town, there are several shops, restaurants, and events for students to enjoy. Plus, Richmond, with its larger city amenities, is just a short drive away.

Keep in mind, that visiting the campus, if possible, and talking directly to current students or faculty can give you a more personalized understanding of the college's culture and opportunities.

3 months ago

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