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Does college have prom or similar kinds of events?

Hi guys, as an upcoming senior who lost my junior prom due to the pandemic, I've been questioning if colleges have prom or similar social events. I know it might sound silly, but it’s kind of important to me. Can anyone shed some light?

5 months ago

You're asking an interesting question that I'm sure is on many folks' minds who missed out on traditional high school experiences due to the pandemic. While colleges and universities don't typically host events called "prom," many institutions do offer a variety of large-scale, formal events that can provide similar experiences.

Some colleges host what is informally referred to as "college prom," but are often themed-formal dances, balls, or galas. Many schools have a tradition of a winter formal or spring fling, and these events can resemble a high school prom with formal dresses and tuxedos, dancing, and music. They're usually hosted by student organizations or residential colleges within the university.

Class-related events are also common. For instance, schools often have a Sophomore Soiree, Junior Ring Dance, or a Senior Ball. Especially in your final year, there are usually a number of events designed to celebrate graduation, and these can also include formal dances.

Fraternities and sororities frequently have events like formals and semi-formals, and those can feel similar to prom. Some clubs and organizations host formal gatherings as well.

In summary, while it might not be exactly like a high school prom, rest assured there will be plenty of opportunities to put on a nice dress or suit, and dance the night away.

5 months ago

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