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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Understanding GPA: How do I calculate mine on a 4.0 scale?

Hey everyone, I'm really trying to get a grip on my academic standing as my application season approaches. I'm curious, does anyone know how the GPA on a 4.0 scale works and how I could calculate mine based on it? My school uses a different grading scale and I'm having some real difficulty trying to convert my grades. Any advice would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

Sure! Figuring out your GPA on a 4.0 scale from a different grading scale can be a bit tricky, but luckily there's a general standard conversion chart you can use. Here's a basic outline:

- A+ and A are 4.0

- A- is 3.7

- B+ is 3.3

- B is 3.0

- B- is 2.7

- C+ is 2.3

- C is 2.0

- C- is 1.7

- D+ is 1.3

- D is 1.0

- F is 0

What you need to do is convert each of your grades to this scale and then take an average.

Remember that this is an unweighted GPA, meaning it doesn't account for the increased difficulty of honors classes or AP classes. If your school provides weighted grades (where contingencies exist for the difficulty of subjects), then you'll need to approach your GPA calculations a little differently. Typically, a weighted grade scale looks something like this:

- A in AP/IB class is 5.0

- B in AP/IB class is 4.0

- C in AP/IB class is 3.0

- D in AP/IB class is 1.0

- F in AP/IB class is 0

This helps give credit to students who take on heavy course loads or challenging classes. Just remember that not all colleges consider a weighted GPA in their admissions process, many will recalculate using their own system, so both your weighted and unweighted GPAs play a role.

Lastly, keep in mind this may not be the exact method your prospective colleges use to calculate GPA, as each institution may have a slightly different calculation process. And remember, your GPA is only one factor of your overall application.

3 months ago

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