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Looking to serve as Military Police, which branch should I look into?

Hello everyone! I've been drawn to the idea of serving as a military police officer after high school and I'm wondering if any specific branch of the U.S military is particularly well-known or well-suited for this role? I appreciate any advice!

3 months ago

If your post-high school goal is to serve as a military police officer, you're in luck! Each branch of the U.S. military - Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and even the newest branch, Space Force - has a sector dedicated to law enforcement duties. Starting with the Army, the role you'd be considering is the 31B, or Military Police. They're charged with preserving law and order, investigating crimes, and providing support to the battlefield. They also conduct patrols and provide VIP escort services.

The Navy has the Navy Master-at Arms (MA). They maintain order and uphold the law on naval installations and ships. Often, they also have the opportunity to serve in specialized roles such as canine units, or special reaction teams.

In the Air Force, you'd be looking into the Security Forces (3P0X1). They combine military police and air base defense functions. If protection of nuclear weapons interests you, the Air Force should be high on your list as this branch provides a large part of our country's nuclear security. The Marine Corps has the Military Police (MOS5811), whose main duty is to uphold order and discipline. They also patrol and provide security for naval and land bases both stateside and abroad.

The Coast Guard has Maritime Law Enforcement Specialist (ME), who conduct missions such as drug interdiction or immigration law enforcement. Their jurisdiction includes both domestic and international waters.

Lastly, while the Space Force is predominantly concerned with space-based operations, they also need personnel to ensure the security of bases and assets.

Each of these positions across the various branches provides a different experience, so you may want to narrow down your preference based on your long-term goals and interest areas. For instance, if you're interested in naval operations or maritime law, consider the Navy or Coast Guard. If you're more interested in land-based operations, the Army or Marine Corps might be a better fit. To better understand which role is suited for you, I would recommend reaching out to recruiters from each of these branches. They'll be able to provide more detailed information on the training process, day-to-day duties, and potential career paths in each of these roles.

3 months ago

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