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| 800 verbal


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Checking IU application status?

I submitted my application to Indiana University (IU) and still haven't heard anything from them. Does anyone know where or how I can check the status of my application? Any help would be appreciated!

6 months ago

Sure, I can help with that. In case you haven't received an acknowledgment email from IU, check your spam/junk folder.

Assuming you've already received the acknowledgement email from IU, they also provide you with the detailed instructions on how to set up your IU computing account. Using your IU computing account, you will be able to access IU's applicant portal known as One.IU.

Here's a simple step-by-step guide:

1. Go to One.IU (

2. In the search box, type 'Check My Application Status' then hit enter.

3. Click on 'Check My Application Status' icon.

4. Login using your IU computing account credentials.

5. Here, you'll be able to view the status of your application.

However, it's typical for universities to take a few weeks or even a couple of months to process applications due to the volume they receive, especially during peak application seasons.

Just remember - no news is often good news. If there was an issue with your application they would likely reach out. While waiting, keep working on the other aspects of your application process such as prepping for interviews, researching other colleges, or preparing for standardized tests if you're planning to give them.

Hoping you hear from IU soon. Good luck!

6 months ago

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