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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Chances at St. John University?

Hi all, I've been doing some research and noticed that I have very little information about the acceptance rate for St. John University. I know it varies from year to year, but does anyone know the usual rate or range? Any insights would be awesome, thanks!

3 months ago

The acceptance rate at St. John's University in New York has ranged in recent years. However, it's seen as a moderately selective school. As per the latest data available, St. John's University's acceptance rate was about 85% which indicates a relatively accessible institution in terms of admission. But remember, being accepted doesn't solely depend on an applicant's grades and test scores. Other aspects of your application, such as your activities and the quality of your essay, can significantly contribute to admission decisions. For example, applicants who demonstrate strong personal attributes, skills, and passions through their extracurriculars or essays can have an edge despite the competitiveness of the applicant pool.

Furthermore, keep in mind that certain programs within the university may be more competitive than others. So, make sure to research the specific major you're interested in and gather the appropriate information. Always remember to take acceptance rates with a grain of salt, and focus on making your application as strong as it can be.

3 months ago

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