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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the acceptance rate for out-of-state students at FSU?

Hey guys, I'm from out of state and thinking about applying to Florida State University. I've looked at their general acceptance rate, but does anyone know how that differs for out-of-state students? Is it significantly tougher to get in if you're not from Florida?

3 months ago

Florida State University (FSU) does not publicly release a separate acceptance rate for in-state versus out-of-state students. However, it's worth noting that being an out-of-state student does not automatically make the admission process more difficult. FSU, like many public universities, does have a higher percentage of in-state students due to their commitment to serving their state, but they also value the diversity and perspectives that out-of-state students bring.

However, competition may be tougher for out-of-state students as these students often need to have stronger profiles than in-state students to be considered at the same level. It's always important to take into account not just the acceptance rate, but the average GPA and test scores of admitted students.

Remember to look at the overall profile of admitted students at FSU, which often includes a GPA around 4.26 (weighted), and an SAT score in the middle 50% range of 1250-1380. Do know that these stats may vary, and having scores above or within these ranges does not guarantee admission, just as scores slightly below these ranges do not make acceptance impossible. Finally, don't discount the importance of strong extracurricular activities and compelling essays, on top of academic achievements, as FSU also considers these aspects in their admissions decisions.

3 months ago

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