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Pursuing Public Health: Which Schools are the Best?

Hello, all! I've been deeply interested in public health since the COVID-19 pandemic, and I want to pursue it during my college years. Can anyone share info about the best schools for studying public health? Preferably with strong internship opportunities and a good student support system. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

3 months ago

Sure, I'd be happy to provide you some insight into which schools have strong public health programs.

Perhaps one of the first names that comes to mind considering Public health is Johns Hopkins University, which has the renowned Bloomberg School of Public Health. The school is recognized worldwide, and it offers a Bachelor's of Arts in Public Health Studies. One of the standout features of this program is that students tend to spend their fourth year, not on the Homewood campus, but at the East Baltimore campus, making this the ultimate immersive experience.

Next up, the University of Michigan also offers an undergraduate degree in public health, which combines the science-heavy aspect of the field with courses aimed at understanding health from social, cultural, and behavioral perspectives. They also boast a strong network of public health professionals, creating ample opportunities for internships and networking.

The University of California, Berkeley’s School of Public Health is another noteworthy program to consider. Offering an undergraduate major and minor in public health, the school also provides opportunities for students to engage in research projects under the guidance of faculty members.

But if you're looking for a smaller setting with plenty of personal attention, you might want to consider Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. Its undergraduate program emphasizes experiential learning, including a mandatory practicum experience for all students.

Lastly, Boston University’s School of Public Health offers a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in public health. It's located in the heart of Boston, offering a wide range of internship opportunities in health agencies, hospitals, nonprofits, and beyond.

Remember, the best school for you won't just be about the ranking or reputation. You should also factor in the student support systems they have, opportunities for internships, and how comfortable you feel on campus. I hope this helps!

3 months ago

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