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Looking for information on Southern University at Shreveport

Hey folks, I've recently been looking into attending Southern University at Shreveport. Can anyone let me know about their experiences there? What's campus life like? Are professors helpful?

3 months ago

Sure, I can provide some general insights into Southern University at Shreveport (often referred to as SUSLA). It's a public, two-year community college that's part of the Southern University System, located in Shreveport, Louisiana. SUSLA offers a variety of academic programs and professional certifications, and has a particular strength in allied health programs.

In terms of campus life, keep in mind that as a community college, the campus experience can be different than a traditional four-year institution. A significant portion of students commute, so on-campus housing and activities might not be as plentiful. That doesn't mean there aren't activities and organizations for students to get involved in. There are several student clubs and organizations, and students have opportunities to participate in various cultural, social, and community service events.

About the professors, student reviews suggest that many of them are dedicated and helpful. As with any institution, this likely varies by department and individual professors. One strategy to evaluate whether the instruction at SUSLA is right for you might be to utilize tools like Rate My Professors, to get specific feedback on individual faculty members.

Lastly, SU Shreveport's class sizes tend to be smaller, so students can presumably get more individualized attention from professors, which can be a great advantage if that type of learning environment suits you. The college also provides academic counseling, tutoring services, and other resources to support students in their educational journey.

Remember, the best way to get a full understanding of the school is to reach out to their admissions office, current students, and alumni. They can provide the most accurate and up-to-date information based on personal experiences.

3 months ago

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