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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Tips for Maintaining Straight A's in High School?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a junior and aiming to be more consistent with my grades, specifically aiming for all A's this year. I'm taking both honors and AP level classes, and I was wondering if anyone has any methods or advice on how to keep up with the workload and stay on top of things?

3 months ago

Sure, here's some advice I've found helpful:

1. Time Management: This is key. Find a system that works for you, whether that's a detailed day-to-day planner, a wall calendar, or a digital tool like Google Calendar. Plan out when you'll do your work for each class and break large assignments down into smaller, manageable chunks. Remember to factor in time for breaks, meals, and physical activity as well.

2. Active Learning: Instead of passively reading or taking notes, try to actively engage with the material. That could mean summarizing the information in your own words, discussing concepts with classmates or even teaching the material you've learned to someone else. Studies show that we retain information better when we actively work with it.

3. Regular Review: Instead of cramming for tests the night before, try to regularly review the material you've learned—maybe at the end of each week. This technique, called "spaced repetition" has been proven to help with retention.

4. Seek Help Early: If you're struggling with a concept, seek help as soon as you can. Reach out to your teacher, a smart friend, or look for resources online. Don't let confusion build up until it becomes overwhelming.

5. Exam Preparation: For AP classes, begin reviewing for AP exams early in the second semester. The College Board offers a wealth of resources, including past exams, to help you prepare.

6. Self-Care: That might sound strange in a list like this one, but remember, you can't function at your best if you're burnt out or sleep-deprived. Make sure you're eating well, getting regular exercise, and sleeping enough.

Remember, consistency is key and these habits take time to build. Start implementing these methods gradually for sustainable and effective learning.

3 months ago

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