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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for Oakland University's location in Michigan

Can anyone tell me exactly where Oakland University is situated in Michigan? I'm curious whether it's near or far from major cities, and what kind of environment to expect.

3 months ago

Oakland University is located in the city of Rochester Hills, Michigan, which is a suburb of Detroit. Rochester Hills is about 30 miles north of Detroit, so while it's not in the heart of the city, it's definitely in reach if you're interested in exploring the city's culture, sports events, and job opportunities.As for the immediate surroundings, Rochester Hills itself offers a quieter, more suburban feel compared to the hustle and bustle of a major city like Detroit. However, it also boasts lots of natural beauty with several parks and nature preserves nearby. So, as a student at Oakland University, you'd get a mix of suburban peace and quiet, access to outdoor activities, plus relatively easy access to everything a large city like Detroit has to offer. It's a kind of best-of-both-worlds location.

3 months ago

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