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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where on the map is Morningside University?

I stumbled upon Morningside University during my college hunt but I'm not quite sure where it's located. Is it in an urban or suburban area? Would also appreciate insights into its campus life.

3 months ago

Morningside University is located in Sioux City, Iowa - a moderately sized city nestled along the Missouri River in the so-called American Heartland. Sioux City sits in the northwest corner of Iowa, bordering both South Dakota and Nebraska.

In terms of setting, Morningside's 68-acre campus is situated in a somewhat suburban area of Sioux City. This gives students a balanced blend of the tranquility common in suburban settings and access to urban amenities. Although Sioux City isn't as bustling as a megacity, it does possess many amenities and attractions you'd expect in a city setting: theaters, museums, parks, restaurants, etc.

As for campus life, it is fairly vibrant with over 50 student clubs and organizations that cater to diverse interests. Students find numerous ways to stay engaged through sports teams, performing arts ensembles, student government, Greek life, and other cultural and academic organizations.

The campus as a whole is considered amicable and friendly, with many opportunities for interaction between students and faculty. Furthermore, because Morningside University is a smaller institution with a close-knit community, students often find it easier to build strong relationships and grow a network than at larger institutions.

I hope you find this information helpful!

3 months ago

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