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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Northern Illinois University Location?

Hello people, I was going through a list of universities and came across Northern Illinois. Somehow, I'm not certain where it is located. What's the environment like around the campus?

3 months ago

Northern Illinois University is located in DeKalb, Illinois, which is a small city nestled approximately 65 miles west of Chicago, a major city in the United States. The environment around the campus is a combination of both urban and rural vibes, as it is situated in a primarily residential area with accessible amenities such as parks, grocery stores, and small businesses within walking proximity.

As it's in the Midwest, the campus experiences all four seasons. In the fall, you can expect the campus to be brimming with vibrant colors as the leaves change, and in the spring, campus blossoms with greenery. Winters can be cold and snowy, so be sure to pack warm clothing!

The campus itself is described as a very close-knit community with many student-led organizations and events happening all throughout the year. The university is also known for its green spaces and peaceful lagoons, providing a tranquil study environment. Nearby, the city of Chicago offers a plethora of cultural, historical, and entertainment experiences. Whether you're interested in visiting world-class museums, catching a game at Wrigley Field, or exploring Navy Pier, there are endless opportunities for exploration about an hour away from campus. It's the best of both worlds – the charm of a smaller town with the convenience and adventure of a big city nearby.

3 months ago

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