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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Opinions on Elon University?

Hello all, I've heard mixed reviews about Elon University and I'd like to have your opinions. If you could share your experiences or perhaps any reasons to think twice before applying, that'd be super helpful.

3 months ago

Elon University in North Carolina has a reputation as a quality liberal arts institution with a strong focus on student engagement, experiential learning, and a broad worldview. Here are a few key details to consider:

1. Experiential Learning: Elon places a strong emphasis on learning through doing. This might include internships, undergraduate research, study abroad, or service learning. In fact, Elon is ranked #4 in the U.S. for Study Abroad and has been recognized for its commitment to undergraduate research and creative endeavors.

2. Personal Connections: Elon boasts a low student-faculty ratio (12:1), which means that you're likely to have smaller class sizes and some good opportunities to get to know your professors personally.

3. Diverse Fields of Study: Elon offers over 60 undergraduate majors spanning a variety of fields, which gives students a lot of flexibility in exploring different areas of interest.

4. Campus Culture: Elon has a highly residential campus with an active community, offering over 250 clubs and organizations. Students praise the close-knit community, the beauty of the campus, and the degree of student involvement.

However, no college is perfect for everyone. Some potential drawbacks of Elon include:

1. Rural Location: Though it's nestled between several larger cities, Elon itself is a small town. Some students enjoy this close-knit, rural atmosphere, but if you're looking for a bustling urban setting, Elon might not be the right fit.

2. Greek Life: Approximately 43% of Elon students participate in Greek life, which can lead to a prominent social divide on campus. For some, this might be a positive, but for others, it might lessen the appeal of the university's social scene.

3. Cost: As a private university, Elon may be more expensive compared to in-state public universities. Though they do offer financial aid, you should consider the cost and financial aid options carefully.

Ultimately, it comes down to fit. Take some time to visit the campus, if possible, and reach out to current students or alumni to get a better feel for what life at Elon really looks like.

3 months ago

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