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Looking for Major Options at Robert Morris University in PA

Hey guys, wondering if anyone could help me out here. Been trying to pin down what programs are available at Robert Morris University in PA. Is there a list somewhere of all the major options they offer? Thanks!

3 months ago

Robert Morris University (RMU) offers a wide variety of programs in several fields. Broadly, these can be categorized into majors within the following schools:

1. School of Business: This school offers majors in fields like Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, and more.

2. School of Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences: Here, you can find majors in English, History, Psychology, Criminal Justice, Cyber Forensics & Information Security, and others.

3. School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science: In this school, disciplines like Engineering, Biology, Environmental Science, Actuarial Science, and Mathematics are offered.

4. School of Nursing, Education and Human Studies: This school gives you options for majors like Nursing, Education, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences.

To get a full grasp of all the options available, I would recommend directly visiting the Robert Morris University website. They have a page dedicated to listing all the undergraduate majors they offer. By scrolling through the list, you can get an idea of the breadth of programs offered, and can click on each for a detailed description. Also, remember, you might want to consider minors and concentrations as well, which can add an interesting dimension to your major of choice! Good luck in your exploration.

3 months ago

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