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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Could CLEP exams be a strategy to reduce college expenses and completion time?

Hey everyone! I've heard a little about CLEP exams, but I'm looking for some solid advice on how utilizing them might save me time and money during college. If anyone's taken these and can share their experience on how they've benefited (or not), I would really appreciate it!

11 months ago

Sure, let me shed some light on that for you! CLEP exams are a great tool for reducing both college expenses and the time it takes to complete a degree. Let me explain how: by taking and passing a CLEP exam, you're demonstrating mastery of college-level material without actually having to take the college course. So, if you do well on a CLEP exam, many colleges will grant you credit just as if you'd taken and passed the actual class.

For instance, some students take several CLEP exams before enrolling in college, and end up earning the equivalent of a full semester's worth of credits. These credits can allow students to skip introductory courses and jump straight into more advanced classes. Another benefit? If enough credits are earned, a student may be able to graduate a semester early, saving a bundle on tuition, room, and board.

Do keep in mind, though, that not all institutions accept CLEP credits, and some might limit the number you can apply toward your degree. So before you start racking up those CLEP exams, check the policies at the schools you're interested in. Otherwise, they could certainly be a strategic asset in your college journey!

11 months ago

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