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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for honest reviews on Stonehill college?

Hey, I have been looking into Stonehill college, and I am pretty interested. But before I make any decision, I want to hear real opinions from students or alumni about the school. Could you share your thoughts on the academics, campus life, professor engagement, or anything else you think is significant?

3 months ago

I am glad to provide some information about Stonehill College although I'm not a student or college.In terms of academics, Stonehill has a reputation for having strong programs in the humanities, especially English and History. The college pays particular attention to liberal arts education which is at the core of their curriculum. This could provide you with a well-rounded education that might be beneficial if you're uncertain of your future career path or if you're simply interested in broadening your academic perspectives.Another aspect to consider is the smaller class sizes at Stonehill - this could ensure you receive more personalized attention from professors. I've heard from many students that the faculty is deeply engaged and invests significant effort in students' academic success.The campus environment is said to be open, welcoming and conducive to community building. With less than 3,000 undergraduate students on campus, there's a good chance you'll quickly begin to recognize faces and feel a sense of belonging. Additionally, despite being a small institution, activities such as athletics and student organizations are quite active, which could enrich your campus life.

Keep in mind though that Stonehill has a strong affiliation with the Roman Catholic Church, which might influence campus life to some extent. Depending on your personal beliefs and preferences, this might be a major influence on your decision-making process.

Lastly, Stonehill is not located in a bustling city center, but the college's proximity to Boston does provide some access to museums, restaurants, and other cultural attractions when you need a break from campus.

Remember, what matters most is whether you think the college is a good fit for you. All the best with your decision!

3 months ago

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