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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What does current experience mean on the Common App?

Feeling a tad overwhelmed with the Activities section. Can someone explain what 'current experience' refers to on the Common App? Does it mean the activities I'm still doing in my junior year or can it include senior year plans as well?

11 months ago

Understanding the Activities section can be tricky, but I'm here to help clarify! In the Common App, 'current experience' refers to activities you are actively engaged in at the time you're filling out the application. This typically includes the activities you're participating in during your junior year, especially if you're applying to colleges in the fall of your senior year.

However, you can also include activities that you plan to continue into your senior year, as long as these are commitments you're certain about. It’s important to be accurate and honest here—colleges expect that the information you provide reflects your actual involvement.

If you've been elected as a club president for the upcoming school year or you're a varsity athlete returning to your team, it's perfectly reasonable to list these as current experiences, noting in the description that they will continue into your senior year. Just be mindful to differentiate between what is already ongoing and what is planned for the future.

11 months ago

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