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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Any advice on colleges in San Jose?

Hey guys, I'm from San Jose and I'm really hoping to study close to home. Can anyone recommend good colleges in the area that I should look into? My major is Undecided, so a college with a good range of programs would be ideal. Appreciate any help!

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are a number of colleges in the San Jose area that you may consider.

1. San Jose State University (SJSU): As one of the oldest public institutions on the West Coast, SJSU offers a broad range of undergraduate programs. It is known for its strengths in Engineering and Business. Overall, this university offers a bustling campus life and it might be a good match if you're looking for the traditional college experience.

2. Santa Clara University: A private university known for its beautiful campus, small class sizes, and strong community. Its programs in Business and Engineering are particularly noteworthy.

3. Stanford University: If you're open to a university slightly outside of San Jose, Stanford University is an excellent option. Stanford is one of the world's leading research universities and is known most for its programs in Computer Science, Engineering, and Business. The university is very selective though.

I highly recommend exploring these institutions in-depth, review their offerings, check out virtual tours, and connect with current students or alumni to get a better understanding of each fit. Don't forget to also consider factors such as cost, campus culture, and access to internships or job opportunities in your desired industry, especially as you are still unsure about your major. Good luck in your college search!

3 months ago

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