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Considering a Medics Path in the Military

Hi everyone, I'm a junior currently leaning towards joining the military and I'm especially interested in the medical field. Could anyone give me a sense of which military branch is renowned for having the best program for combat medics?

3 months ago

The medical programs vary across different branches of the military, and each one has unique aspects that might appeal to different people.The U.S. Army operates one of the most well-known programs for combat medics. They're termed as 68W Healthcare Specialists, also known as Combat Medics. These are the first responders in battlefield scenarios and have intense field and clinical training. The Army also has the Army Physician Assistant Program, which provides further medical training and could be something to work towards after becoming a combat medic.

The Navy operates the Hospital Corps, which is the only enlisted medical specialty in the Navy. They offer similar first response battlefield training, but Corpsmen can also serve aboard ships and submarines, with Marine units, and at Naval hospitals, which might appeal if you're interested in marine or overseas practice.

The Air Force has Pararescue (PJs), who conduct personnel recovery and provide emergency medical care, but their overall role includes a lot more than just medical duties.

Each of these programs will set you up well for a career in healthcare post-military, so your decision could come down to which branch you feel a stronger affinity towards, or which particular skills and experiences you're most interested in. It might be a good idea to speak with recruiters from each branch to get a sense of what the day-to-day life is like in each of these roles.

3 months ago

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