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Which branches of the US military have choirs?

Music is one of my biggest passions, but I've also been seriously thinking about enlisting after graduation. I'm curious, do any branches of the military have official choirs? It's a strange combination, I know, but I'd love to be able to continue my passion for singing even while serving.

3 months ago

Each branch of the United States military maintains its own official band and other music groups, and this includes choirs! Here's a breakdown:

- The United States Army Chorus: This prestigious ensemble has been performing for official military, governmental, and civilian functions since 1956. The choir members serve as Army soldiers, and most hold advanced degrees in music.- The United States Navy Band Sea Chanters: The Sea Chanters is the official choir of the U.S. Navy. Originally created in 1956 as an all-male chorus, it became co-ed in 1980 and now performs a variety of music styles, from traditional choral music to Broadway and contemporary hits.

- The United States Air Force Singing Sergeants: The Singing Sergeants are the official chorus of the United States Air Force. Their performances include a wide range of musical styles, from traditional Americana, opera, and choral standards to modern Broadway and jazz.

- United States Marine Corps: The Marines don’t have an official choir per se but the United States Marine Band, aka "The President's Own", includes a Chamber Orchestra that sometimes features vocalists for certain performances.

There isn't an official choir for the U.S. Coast Guard or Space Force. However, the U.S. Coast Guard Band occasionally incorporates vocal performances into their concerts.Please note that these groups are quite selective and often require audition processes. So, in addition to the standard requirements for military service, you would also need to demonstrate a high level of musical skill.If you aim to join one of these choirs, it may be beneficial to gain experience in a collegiate or community choir and consider studying music at the undergraduate level. This isn't strictly necessary, but the competition can be intense, and it's helpful to be as prepared as possible.

3 months ago

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