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Which military branch offers martial arts training?

Hey guys, I've a passion for martial arts and wanted to know which branch of the US military incorporates martial arts into their training regimen? Does every branch focus on it, or only some? Thanks!

3 months ago

All branches of the US military incorporate some form of martial arts, combat, or hand-to-hand training into their regimen. The specifics differ between branches, but here are some examples:

1. The U.S. Army uses a training program called the Modern Army Combatives Program (MACP) that incorporates techniques from Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, and other forms of martial arts.

2. The U.S. Marine Corps has its own unique Martial Arts Program (MCMAP), which includes teaching methods and techniques from styles such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo with a focus on the mental, character, and physical discipline.

3. The U.S. Navy incorporates a mixed martial arts style in their training that is often gear towards real-world combat scenarios. They also emphasize on boxing, as each ship has a designated individual in charge of running boxing/smoker events.

4. The U.S. Air Force uses a program that involves hand-to-hand combat training which is known as Combatives Course designed for real-world combat scenarios.

5. The newly formed U.S. Space Force, as a branch of the Air Force, likely follows the combatives program of its parent branch, but specifics may change as it continues to develop its own unique protocols.

6. The U.S. Coast Guard teaches hand-to-hand combat techniques as part of the regular training, with a focus on detainment and non-lethal techniques, given their role in law enforcement and emergency response.

Remember, beyond official training programs, many military bases have martial arts clubs where you can further your training and interact with other martial arts enthusiasts in your spare time. These clubs can be a great way to continue your passion within the military.

3 months ago

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