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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Important College Admissions Stats?

Yo, I'm trying to gather all the info I can before I start applying to colleges. Can anyone recommend some important statistics I should look at when considering colleges? I mean, besides the usual graduation rate, student-to-faculty ratio, etc.

3 months ago

Sure, it's always good to dig deeper when researching colleges. Beyond the basics like graduation rate and student-to-faculty ratio, you might want to consider:

1. Acceptance rate: This shows how competitive the college's admissions process is. While a low acceptance rate may be intimidating, remember that it's not a sole determinant of whether you'll get in.

2. Outcomes and employability rates: Check out statistics about the school's employment rate post-graduation. Some colleges also provide data about average starting salaries or top industries where their graduates work. Remember, however, that these stats could vary greatly depending on the major.

3. Medium class size: This can give you a clear picture of the typical classroom environment—whether classes are large lecture-style settings or more intimate seminars.

4. Retention rate: This reflects the percentage of first year students who return for their sophomore year. It can be an indirect measure of student satisfaction.

5. Diversity statistics: These can give you a sense of the racial, economic, and geographical diversity of the student body.

6. Financial aid stats: Look at the average financial aid package, the percentage of need met, and the percentage of students receiving aid.

7. Faculty credentials: Some schools provide information about the percentage of faculty with the highest degree in their field, which may indicate the quality of instruction.

8. Alumni network size: This can give you a sense of the resources available for job and internship connections and the overall strength of the school community after graduation.

I hope this gives you a good starting point! Best of luck with your research process.

3 months ago

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