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Are there any CNA courses available to high schoolers online that offer real experience?

I'm exploring healthcare careers and I want to become a certified nursing assistant (CNA). Are there any online classes for high school students that include hands-on experience? How do the online components translate into practical skills?

11 months ago

I'm glad to hear you're interested in exploring healthcare careers early on. While there are many online courses available to high schoolers, CNA programs typically require a significant amount of hands-on, clinical experience, which can't be fully replicated online. However, some programs may offer a hybrid model where you can take theoretical components online and then complete the practical training in-person at a local healthcare facility. For example, the American Red Cross often provides such hybrid CNA training courses. Also, in many places, local community colleges or vocational schools might offer CNA programs that high school students can participate in with the practical component completed at a healthcare facility associated with the program. It's essential to ensure that any program you consider is state-approved for CNA certification. I recommend you reach out to your local healthcare facilities or a vocational guidance counselor who may have information on programs that cater to high school students. They often have partnerships or programs specifically designed to help students like you gain the necessary real-world experience.

11 months ago

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