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Which military branch has the best shooters?

Hi y'all. I'm an avid shooting sport enthusiast. So I was thinking, which military branch has the 'best' shooters or the most rigorous marksman training. Thanks in advance.

3 months ago

It's challenging to definitively identify which military branch has the "best" shooters as it can largely come down to the specific individual and the level/type of training they've received. However, I can share some information about the emphasis on marksmanship in different branches.

The Navy SEALs, a special operations force within the U.S. Navy, are known for their rigorous marksmanship training. They go through several shooting courses and are expected to be proficient with a variety of firearms. Sniper training is a part of their training if they choose that specific career path within the SEALs.

The Marine Corps also places a substantial emphasis on marksmanship. Every Marine is considered a rifleman, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). They have a week-long qualification process that they must pass every year.

For precision shooting, the Army has the Special Forces Sniper Course (SFSC), an intense training program focusing on long-range shooting and surveillance skills. Army Rangers and Delta Force operators also undergo extensive shooting training.

The Air Force has the Combat Control Teams (CCT) and Pararescuemen (PJ), both special operations forces, that receive extensive weapons training. However, they might not focus as much on marksman training as other roles. Ultimately, all branches of the military offer in-depth shooting training for certain roles. The one that is "best" would likely depend on the specific type of shooting and tactical situation.

3 months ago

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