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How are the reviews for Dickinson College?

Hey everyone! I'm considering applying to Dickinson College and I wanted to hear from students who've been there. What are your experiences, both positive and negative?

3 months ago

Hello! Dickinson College, situated in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has a lot to offer. I've gathered information that reflects a mixture of experiences. This liberal arts university is commonly praised for its small classes and individual attention. Many students appreciate the low student-to-faculty ratio, which allows for more personalized instruction and a greater connection to professors.

Dickinson also has a robust study abroad program. More than half of students choose to study abroad, reflecting the institution's commitment to global education. A number of students have highlighted this feature as a key strength of their college experience.

Its commitment to sustainability is another positive attribute. The college owns a large organic farm, and students have the opportunity to participate in operations like sustainable agriculture and food production.

On the flip side, some people refer to the social scene as relatively quiet, with the college being based in a small town. If you prefer a bustling, urban environment, you might find the pace to be slower than you’d like. That being said, Dickinson's close-knit community fosters a strong sense of camaraderie and school spirit.

Potential negatives could include the dining hall options, which some students have complained about, as well as the cost of attendance which seems to be an issue for some families.

In summary, Dickinson College seems to provide an academically rigorous experience in a close-knit community and there’s definitely a focus on individual growth. The experiences are subjective and can vary widely, so it's always a good idea to visit the campus (if you can), speak to other students or alumni directly, or even use a school-matching tool like CollegeVine's to see how well Dickinson might align with your personal needs and aspirations.

3 months ago

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