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Contents of the ACT Test

I've been looking up some information on the ACT test, and there's a ton of stuff online. It kinda feels overwhelming. Can anyone break down what's on the ACT test? Like, what are the main sections and how are they scored?

3 months ago

Sure, happy to break it down for you! The ACT consists of four mandatory sections and one optional section.

1. English: This section has 75 questions that you need to answer in 45 minutes. It tests your understanding of standard written English and rhetorical skills. You'll encounter five passages with underlined segments. You'll need to decide whether to leave the segments as they are or choose one of the given improvements.

2. Mathematics: This section is 60 minutes long and consists of 60 questions. Topics covered include algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. A calculator is allowed for this section.

3. Reading: The Reading section lasts 35 minutes and includes 40 questions. It covers four sections, each related to different domains: social studies, natural sciences, literary narrative or prose fiction, and humanities. You'll have to read each passage and answer the questions based on the information given.

4. Science (optional): The Science section also lasts 35 minutes, and it consists of 40 questions. This section covers interpretation, analysis, evaluation, reasoning, and problem-solving.

5. Writing (optional): Lastly, the Writing section, which is optional, is a 40-minute essay question. You'll analyze various perspectives on a given issue and offer your own point of view.

Scoring is based on a 1–36 scale for each test in English, Math, Reading, and Science. Your composite ACT score is the average of your scores on the four sections, rounded to the nearest whole number. If you choose to take the Writing (essay) section, you will receive a writing score, but it does not affect your composite score. This score will be separately reported on a scale of 2-12.

Remember, with the ACT, there's no penalty for guessing, so it's in your interest to answer every question, even if you're unsure.

I hope this gives you a clear idea of what to expect on the ACT! It may seem like a lot right now, but with structured practice and reviewing, you'll get the hang of it!

3 months ago

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