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SAT: 720 math
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Is Drexel University a state university?

This might seem like a silly question, but I've seen mixed info out there. Is Drexel a state university or a private one? I'm trying to decide if I'll get more aid at a state university than a private one.

3 months ago

Drexel University is a private institution, not a state university. It's located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. With respect to financial aid, one can't universally say whether state universities or private universities typically offer more aid, because it depends a lot on the specific schools and the student's circumstances.

However, it's worth knowing that while state universities will often have a lower sticker price, especially for in-state students, private universities often have larger endowments. This implies that they may have more financial aid resources to distribute among their students.

The best way to estimate the financial aid you might receive from a university is by visiting the school's website and looking for the Net Price Calculator. This tool will give you a personalized estimate of the financial aid package you might receive if you attend that school, based on your family's financial information.

Drexel University specifically is known to be generous with merit scholarships, and offers a variety of scholarships based on academic achievement, as well as need-based assistance. However, the exact amount would depend on individual circumstances. Using the Net Price Calculator on Drexel's website would give you a more precise estimation of your potential financial aid.

3 months ago

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