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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need More Info on SUNY Utica, NY

Hey guys! I recently came across SUNY in Utica, NY. I'd love to gather more info about it. What are their popular majors? How's the campus life? Any information would be much appreciated.

3 months ago

Sure, happy to provide some insights about SUNY Polytechnic Institute's Utica campus!Popular majors: SUNY Polytechnic Institute is especially known for its majors in the areas of technology, engineering, and science. Several students choose programs in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Business/Commerce, Mechanical Engineering, and Nursing.Campus life: Located in Utica, the campus provides a blend of suburban lifestyle and access to numerous outdoor activities due to its geographical location. The campus itself is vibrant, with a wide variety of student-run clubs and organizations catering to diverse interests. These include student government, sports, Greek life, academic clubs, multicultural organizations, and many more. There's always something happening!

Campus facilities: The campus is relatively modern and includes labs, study areas, and recreational facilities. The Fieldhouse, for example, houses a full-sized gym, cardio and free-weight fitness centers, racquetball courts, and a rock-climbing wall.Housing: Most undergraduate students live in on-campus housing facilities, which consist of apartment-style residences with fully furnished bedrooms and kitchens.

In terms of academics, small class sizes are a distinctive feature, allowing for more personalized attention from professors. The school also emphasizes hands-on learning, so there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to gain practical experience in your field.

Overall, students appreciate the tight-knit community and the emphasis on career preparation through internships and co-op opportunities. The one-on-one interaction with faculty is also often highlighted as a major positive.

Just remember different people have different experiences and preferences, so it would be a good idea to visit the campus (or at least a virtual tour), if possible, to get a feel for the school's culture and atmosphere.

3 months ago

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