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Business Schools in NY

Hey, I'm a junior interested in business and I've heard New York is a hub for business studies. Could anyone shed some light on the top business schools in New York? Help would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

Absolutely, I'd be happy to share insights about top business schools in New York.

1. Stern School of Business, New York University (NYU): Located in the heart of Manhattan, NYU Stern is known for its robust business-focused curriculum and a strong emphasis on experiential learning. The school is especially known for its offerings in finance and international business.

2. Columbia Business School, Columbia University: Another highly regarded business program is at Columbia. The school offers interdisciplinary programs blending business studies with other disciplines. It's best known for its value investing program and strong finance courses.

3. Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University: While Ithaca might not have the same hustle and bustle as NYC, Cornell is a prestigious Ivy League institution with a highly-ranked business school. It provides strong programs in various fields of business study, such as Management and Entrepreneurship.

4. Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College (CUNY): Zicklin is known for its diverse academic programs, strong connections in the finance industry, and extremely affordable tuition for in-state students.

While these are all top-tier programs, it's important to consider that each school has a unique teaching style, course offerings, and school culture. You should reflect on what matches your needs and career goals the best. Do you want a specific specialty or are you more focused on the overall business understanding?

Also, remember that exploring the school's alumni network, internship opportunities, and connections in the business field could be beneficial, especially considering you would be located in New York, one of the world's largest business hubs.

3 months ago

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