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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Release of Boulder Admission Decisions

Anyone has any idea when Boulder University releases its decision letters? I know it's rolling, but I was wondering if there's more of a specific timeline I could look at.

3 months ago

University of Colorado Boulder operates on a rolling admission policy. That means they review applications as they come in and tend to make decisions relatively quickly. However, it's hard to pin down an exact timeline for when you'll hear back.

Historically, students who apply early in the fall can often expect to receive a decision before the end of the calendar year, but it varies. Factors that can impact this timeline include when you submitted your application and how many applications the admissions office is dealing with at a given time.

Remember, you can always check the status of your application through your student portal on the university's website. If you have any immediate concerns, contacting the admissions office directly may also provide more specific information about when you might expect to hear a decision. Just note that the process can take several weeks, particularly during peak periods. Patience is key here!

I hope this information is helpful and best of luck with your application!

3 months ago

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