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Career in the military as a drone pilot

Hi. I'm really curious about drones and wondered which branch of the military would be best for becoming a drone pilot.

3 months ago

In terms of joining the military to become a drone pilot, here are a couple of branches to consider:

First, the United States Air Force has a specific position for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) operators, code1U0X1. This role involves not only piloting the drone units, but also performing reconnaissance work, analyzing aerial photographs, and conducting surveillance, among other responsibilities. The USAF also has a wide variety of drones and therefore offers a diverse set of opportunities in the field.

Second, the United States Army also deploys a variety of drones and has multiple Military Occupational Specialities (MOS) that deal with unmanned aircraft. Specific to drone operating, the MOS15W - Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators, involves piloting unmanned observation aircrafts, gathering intelligence, and interpreting aerial footage.

The United States Navy also operates unmanned aircrafts, although their program isn't quite as large as the Air Force or Army. But, depending on your interests, there may be drone pilot positions available.

Lastly, the United States Marine Corps has roles for unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operators as well. The operator's job includes planning, preparing, launching, recovering, and operating UAS.

Remember that all these positions require a high school diploma or GED, as well as completion of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). Some specialized trainings and clearances might also be necessary depending on the specific role. Whichever branch you choose, you'll receive valuable hands-on experience with drones and innovative technology, and each branch provides its own unique aspects and opportunities. Research each one carefully to decide which would be the best fit for your personal interests and career goals.

3 months ago

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