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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Visiting University of Chicago

I'm hoping to visit the University of Chicago soon. Has anyone done a campus visit there before? Any advice on what to see or who to speak with? Is it beneficial to schedule a meeting with an admissions officer during my visit? All suggestions are welcome!

7 months ago

Seeing a college campus firsthand can be a beneficial part of deciding where you want to attend. As for the University of Chicago, there's plenty to see! Don't miss out on the central quadrangles, the Regenstein Library, the Oriental Institute, and the Rockefeller Chapel. And if you have a chance, try to explore the local neighborhood of Hyde Park too; it's full of history and has a vibrant community.

Meeting with an admissions officer or attending an information session can be very helpful to understand the admissions process better and to get your questions answered. But, keep in mind that the University of Chicago is among the colleges that do not consider demonstrated interest in their admissions process. So while your visit can be informative for you and help you write more personal essays, it won't necessarily give you a leg up in the admissions process itself.

If you're interested in a specific program or major, it could be beneficial to try and meet with a professor or sit in on a class if that's available. It could give you a better sense of what studying that subject at the University of Chicago would be like.

Remember to take your visit at your own pace and soak in the campus environment. Are people collaborating with each other? What's the vibe of the campus? Those small impressions can tell you a lot about a place, and it's something you can't determine from brochures or websites. I hope this helps, and have a great visit!

7 months ago

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