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Filling Out Common App: How Much Time Should I Block Off?

Hey everyone, I’m trying to plan out my college application schedule as a junior, and I’m getting a bit anxious about the Common App. How long does it usually take to fill out all the sections in the Common App? I don’t want to underestimate and end up scrambling last minute. Any advice on time management strategies you found helpful would be really appreciated!

11 months ago

Hello! It's great to see you thinking ahead about your college application process. Typically, completing the Common App can take several hours spread out over a few weeks, as you’ll want to carefully review each section.

I suggest you start by setting aside a weekend to familiarize yourself with the various sections and to input the straightforward data like your name, address, and extracurricular activities. Then, allocate consistent time slots each week for more complex sections like the essay. For the essay, give yourself at least a month to brainstorm, draft, and revise, as it's one of the most important parts of your application.

One strategy to manage your time effectively is to set milestones for each section and track your progress. For example, a milestone could be completing the activities section one week, personal information the next, and so on.

Remember to also factor in time for your recommenders to write and submit letters on your behalf. Lastly, please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed, and consider having someone review your application before submission. Best of luck!

11 months ago

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