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Military Colleges in New York

Hey everyone! I've always had a fascination with the military and would like to integrate it into my college education. I currently live in New York. Has anyone here attended a military college in New York and can share their experience?

5 months ago


New York has a couple of well-regarded military colleges that you might consider. Keep in mind, each has a unique environment and set of requirements, so it's essential you look into what's the best fit for you personally.

First up is the United States Military Academy, commonly referred to as West Point. West Point is one of the most prestigious military academies in the country, offering a comprehensive undergraduate education that places enormous emphasis on military training, physical fitness, and moral character. Upon graduation, cadets are commissioned as second lieutenants in the U.S. Army. This requires a service commitment after graduation, so it's an ideal fit for students who are sure about pursuing a military career.

There's also the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College, located in Throggs Neck. SUNY Maritime graduates can choose to either receive a Coast Guard license &/or a Naval Reserve Commission. Unlike West Point, there is no service obligation post graduation, unless you decide to accept a Reserve commission or enroll in one of their ROTC programs.

As far as experiences go, what you'll hear may vary. Education at military colleges is rigorous and combines academic and physical disciplines, and there's a strong focus on leadership, discipline, and character development. Many graduates describe the experience as challenging but ultimately rewarding, especially considering the lifelong camaraderie they form with their peers and the unique career opportunities that are available post-graduation.

Bear in mind, competitive admission to these institutions generally requires a nomination from a member of Congress (among other application components), so it's recommended to start the application process early.Good luck as you explore your options!

5 months ago

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